Marketing 4 Success

The creative brain behind M4S is me,

Sophy Walker!

With 30 years of senior marketing experience in banking and education, both in the UK and overseas, I can inject some marketing expertise into your business operations.

Whether a one-off marketing health check, campaign or regular consultancy support, I am here to help!

Marketing Pick & Mix Options

  • 1. Marketing Strategy & Plans

    I can support you or your marketing team with creating an effective marketing strategy to support  your corporate objectives.

    Or is your current marketing team stuggling to put in place an effective sales and marketing plan, with regular management reports?

    Contact me for one-off or more regular support.

  • 2. Marketing Campaigns

    Do you need to bolster sales with an integrated multi-channel marketing campaign?  With years of experience executing a mixture of online and offline campaigns, I can help you plan the most effective campaign to reach your goals.

  • 3. Team Structure & Skills Training

    If your team is not working effectively or needs bolstering, I can review your  team structure and identify missing skills and training needs.

    I can also support your recruitment needs through writing job descriptions, job adverts, shortlisting and interviewing, providing expertise and saving you time.

    Alternatively I can provid training or mentorship to you or your marketing team members, who may need support with managing their team, team building, writing reports, time management or in a particular marketing discipline.

  • 4. Branding, PR & Communications

    Do you need help establishing your school or business brand values or need a brand refresh? 

    Do you need help with your stakeholder communications and raising your profile through positive PR?

    Getting this right can really make a difference in a crowded marketplace. I can assist you with the process, having built effective brands that truly stand out in their market.

  • 5. Social Media

    Choosing the right social channels to be active in, and delivering consistent and appropriate storytelling to support your brand values takes time and skill.

    Let me help you and/or your marketing team build an effective annual plan and execute it across the most appropriate channels, whether that is Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X, YouTube or TikTok.

    I was the pioneer for the use of TikTok in schools marketing, when it became apparent that our pupils were managing our brand for us, and not in a good way! Let me help you navigate this controversial but increasingly popular channel in a professional and beneficial way.

  • 6. Website Review

    Is your website performing effectively? Can your customers easily find you online. Is key information easy to find with a clear call to action? Does it reflect your brand values?

    As the window to your business, your customers will be shortlisting you based on your content. Keeping your content fresh and up-to-date is key to SEO, as there is no point having a beautiful website if noone can find you!

    Gain a professional opinion from an experienced marketeer - from a simple website review, to support with sales copywriting, CMS editing, writing a new website brief and shortlisting providers, I can help. 

  • 7. Marketing Health Check

    A thorough marketing review to provide reassurance and guidance to marketing leads, senior leadership teams and Governing Bodies that the marketing strategy, plan and budget is set up to meet their corporate strategic goals.

  • 8. Mystery Shopper

    Would you like an unbiased view of what your admissions process looks like from a prospective parents' perspective? 

    I can assess your admissions process and benchmark it alongside key competitors to identify areas of strength and those that could require some refining. 

  • 9. AI in Marketing

    With a newly acquired CIM AI in Marketing accredition, I can help you or your team in the effective and ethical use of AI. Freeing up valuable time to focus more energy on strategy and creative thinking, AI can be a really valuable extra member of your team. 

    I can advise on best use scenarios and on the best Chat CPT apps to use.



Open Sans

Noto Sans

Bebas Neue

Great Vibes

Rock Salt





Indie Flower


Roboto Slab


Noto Serif

Open Sans







"A highly experienced marketing professional

with a proven track record in building brands

and ultimately revenue."

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